

BOTOX | Blepharoplasty | Smithfield NC | Cary NC

Several factors such as aging, sun damage, smoking, stretching and obesity can cause the eyelids to droop and sag as the supporting tissues weaken. This area of the face is often one of the first to decline, as the skin of the eyelid is thinner than other areas of the face. Eyelids that droop or bulge can affect peripheral vision, making certain normal daily activities, such as driving, more difficult.

If the eyelids begin sagging into the field of vision, a functional blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, may become necessary. This procedure can be covered by medical insurance if it is visually significant. A determination of how much this condition affects vision is done by checking the peripheral visual field with an instrument called the Humphrey Visual Field (HVF) Analyzer.

BOTOX® Cosmetic

BOTOX® Cosmetic is a highly purified protein injected into the skin to relax the muscles that cause some kinds of wrinkles. While BOTOX Cosmetic can treat certain medical conditions, such as excessive sweating, it is most commonly used for cosmetic purposes, primarily to reduce wrinkles on the face and neck. BOTOX Cosmetic injections are relatively painless, as the needle used is significantly smaller than those used for other injectable fillers.

The best candidates for BOTOX Cosmetic are men and women seeking an enhanced appearance with fewer wrinkles. In addition, it is important that those seeking treatment are in good physical health, are not pregnant or nursing and do not have a neuromuscular disorder. People seeking BOTOX Cosmetic injections should have realistic expectations regarding this procedure's abilities and should discuss their desired goals with their doctor beforehand.

BOTOX Cosmetic injections are administered by a qualified physician using a very fine needle. The procedure only takes a few minutes and requires no anesthetic. Day-to-day activities can be resumed immediately afterwards. Wrinkles begin to fade within 24 hours, with continued improvement over the next five days.

Side effects of BOTOX Cosmetic are rare and are usually mild and temporary. The most common side effects are headaches and temporary redness or bruising of the skin at the site of injection. Any risk of complications can be reduced by choosing an experienced physician.

Ptosis Repair

Ptosis is the drooping of the eyelid. While ptosis is usually the result of aging, some people develop ptosis after eye surgery or an injury, and some children are born with the condition.

Patients may seek treatment for droopy eyelids for cosmetic and/or medical purposes. Severe drooping may obstruct vision as the eyelid gradually droops lower and lower, eventually covering the eye. If ptosis interferes with a patient's vision, a brief surgical procedure will be performed to eliminate the drooping. Other patients are simply bothered by the appearance of their eyelids. Patients who have excess skin around the eye may choose to undergo a blepharoplasty at the same time as the ptosis repair. Many young patients with mild to moderate ptosis do not need surgery early in life. Children with ptosis should be examined regularly to check for other vision problems including amblyopia, refractive errors and muscular diseases.

Ptosis does not involve excess skin or tissue in the eyelid and can be caused by some of the following:

  • Normal aging process
  • Congenital condition
  • Injury
  • Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Eye surgery
  • Stroke
  • Tumor
  • Cancer
  • Myasthenia gravis


Ectropion is a condition where the eyelid turns outward. Typically ectropion occurs on the lower eyelid exposing the inner lid in either one section of eye or across the entire lid. Ectropion prevents tears from draining from the eye correctly, resulting in irritation.

To correct ectropion, a quick surgical procedure in which the lid is tightened is usually necessary. For ectropion due to muscle weakness, the surgery involves the removal of a small section of eyelid to tighten the muscles in the area. When the ectropion is caused by scars or prior surgery, the procedure typically relies on a skin graft to reposition the eyelid.

Symptoms of Ectropion

The major symptoms of this exposure are usually:

  • Very dry eyes
  • Pain
  • Excessive tearing
  • Redness both on the eye and the eyelid


Entropion is a condition where the eyelid turns inward. Typically entropion occurs on the lower eyelid where the skin and lashes rub painfully against the cornea. This condition may cause the lid to either turn in constantly or only at times when the eyes are closed tightly.

Symptoms of Entropion

The initial symptoms of entropion are often the following:

  • Pain in the eye
  • Excessive tearing
  • Redness
  • Irritation
  • Pain
  • Dry eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Reduced vision
  • Discharge from the eye
  • A feeling that there is something in the eye